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Brown 1/4 oz Roundhead Jig
Black 1/4 oz Roundhead Jig
All About the Jig
All About the Worm Harness
Worm harnesses popularity for walleye fishing can be attributed to their effectiveness, versatility, ease of use, and ability to be customized to suit different fishing situations. Many anglers consider worm harnesses to be essential tools in their walleye fishing arsenal.
#20 lb. 48" Monofilament
7/8" Butterfly Blade - this blade has a unique shape that creates an erratic spinning action, mimicking the movement of a wounded baitfish. This erratic action can trigger aggressive strikes from walleye, particularly when they are actively feeding. A huge positive for using this type of blade is that it can be trolled from 1/4 mph to 4 mph. You can literally burn through the water with this lure.
#2 Slow-Death Hook - the benefit of using a slow death fishing hook lies in its ability to enhance bait action, increase hooking efficiency, offer versatility, be effective in various conditions, and provide a subtle presentation that can trigger strikes from even the most cautious walleye.
A deadly combination. This versatile spinner rig with a butterfly blade and slow-death hook is great for Walleye and Perch.
Swivel - use a good swivel to prevent line twist
Proeye and Opaque Hardness Beads - the best beads for your walleye trolling worm harness will depend on factors like water clarity, light conditions, and the walleye's feeding behavior. It's often a good idea to experiment with different colors, sizes, and materials to see what works best in your specific fishing environment.
- Includes:
- ‘RIGGING GUIDE’ and ‘PRESENTATION’ of worm harness
- " All about the Worm Harness"
- "Colorado Blade specifics"
- " have to find them!" a word from the professionals!
- Availability: 2 In Stock
- Model: WH-10205 BSDH