Green Chartreuse

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Green Chartreuse Roundhead Jig
Green Chartresuse / Chrome Base Coat Jig
Butterfly blade w/Gamakatsu Octopus hook
Double acttractor, candy and silver color
Out of Stock
Hammered Colorado w/Faceted Beads
Out of Stock
Green Chartreuse 1/8 oz Roundhead Jig (RHJ-018-004)
#1 Mustad Bronze Hook
1/8 oz Roundhead Jig
Powder Paint colors: :Single color
Green Chartreuse
Eye: :None
Quantity per packet:  :5 (Five)
Green Chartreuse Jig
Firetiger Green Chartreuse 1/4 oz Freestyle Jig (FSJ-014-002)
2/0 Mustad Bronze Hook
1/4 oz Freestyle Jig
Powder Paint: :Tri-color
Blaze Orange, Green Pumpkin w/Green Chartreuse base coat
Eye: :Gold Prism
Quantity per packet:  :5 (five)
Firetiger Green Chartreuse Jig
Green Chartreuse 1/4 oz Roundhead Jig (RHJ-014-009)
1/0 Mustad Bronze Hook
1/4 oz Roundhead Jig
Powder Paint: :Single color
Green Chartreuse
Eye: :None
Quantity per packet:  :5 (five)
Green Chartreuse Roundhead Jig
Green Chartreuse 1/16 oz Freestyle Jig (FSJ-116-002)
#2 Mustad Bronze Hook w/wire keeper
1/16 oz Freestyle Jig
Powder Paint colors: :Two color
Green Chartreuse w/Chrome base coat
Eye: :Silver Prism
Quantity per packet:  :10 (Ten)
Green Chartresuse / Chrome Base Coat Jig
Clear Tip Chartreuse Butterfly Slow-Death Worm Harness (WH-10205 BSDH)
Line: #20 lb. 48" Monofilament
Blade(s): Butterfly
Hook(s): #2 Mustad Slow Death
Swivel(s): #2 Barrel
Beads: ProEye and Plastic or Opaque Hardness

This blade has a unique shape that creates an erratic spinning action, mimicking the movement of a wounded baitfish. This erratic action can trigger aggressive strikes from walleye, particularly when they are actively feeding. A huge positive for using this type of blade is that it can be trolled from 1/4 mph to 4 mph. You can literally burn through water with this lure.

The benefit of using a slow death fishing hook lies in its ability to enhance bait action, increase hooking efficiency, offer versatility, be effective in various conditions, and provide a subtle presentation that can trigger strikes from even the most cautious walleye.

A deadly combination. This versatile spinner rig with a butterfly blade and slow-death hook is great for Walleye and Perch.

  • ‘Presentation’ of the worm harness
  • " All about the Worm Harness"
  • "Colorado Blade specifics" and
  • "FIRST... you have to find them, a word from the professionals!"

Butterfly blade w/Gamakatsu Octopus hook
Walleye Candy d Chartreuse Colorado Stinger (WH-10505 WSSC)
Line: #20 lb. 36" Monofilament
Blade(s): #4 Colorado Blade
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): # 2 VMC Octopus Needle Point and #8 Treble 1X Stinger Hook(s)
Beads: Opaque Acrylic Faceted Beads

  • ‘Presentation’ of the worm harness
  • " All about the Worm Harness"
  • "Colorado Blade specifics" and
  • "FIRST... you have to find them, a word from the professionals!"

Double acttractor, candy and silver color
Out of Stock
Chartreuse Double Colorado Long Shiner (WH-10403 DCLBH)
Line: #20 lb. 48" Monofilament
Blade(s): #3 Colorado and a #4 Hammered Colorado
Hook(s): #2 Aberdeen
Beads: Faceted and Round Plastic

The hammered colorado blade has a unique appearance that draws the walleyes attention and mimicks the movement of a wounded baitfish.

  • ‘Presentation’ of the worm harness
  • " All about the Worm Harness"
  • "Colorado Blade specifics" and
  • "FIRST... you have to find them, a word from the professionals!"

Hammered Colorado w/Faceted Beads
Out of Stock
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