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Products meeting the search criteria
Sapphire Blue FD Silver Minnow Trolling Flutter Spoon (SPN-T 10007)
3 3/4" Diamond Nickel Design Premium Trolling/Flutter Spoon
#2 and #5 Stainless Steel Split Rings
#1 Mustad 3565NI Treble Hook
Paint: Sapphire Blue minnow
w/Fish Scale Red Prism reflector tape
3/16" Red Prism Eye on white enamel
Epoxy Finish
3 3/4"; Diamond Nickel Design
Blue Green Clown HXN Silver Minnow Trolling Flutter Spoon (SPN-T 10011)
3 3/4" Hex Nickel Design Premium Trolling/Flutter Spoon
#2 and #5 Stainless Steel Split Rings
#1 Mustad 3565NI Treble Hook
Paint: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow Clown Dots Silver Minnow
3/16" Red Prism Eye on white enamel
Epoxy Finish
3 3/4"; Hex Nickel Design
Bluegill Double Colorado Worm Harness (WH-10003 DC)
Line: #20 lb. 48" Monofilament
Blade(s): #3 and a #4 Colorado Blades
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): # 2 Gamakatsu Octopus Crawler Harness Hook
Beads: Proeye, Plastic or Opaque Hardness Beads
Blade(s): #3 and a #4 Colorado Blades
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): # 2 Gamakatsu Octopus Crawler Harness Hook
Beads: Proeye, Plastic or Opaque Hardness Beads
- ‘PRESENTATION’ of worm harness
- " All about the Worm Harness"
- "Colorado Blade specifics" and
- "FIRST... you have to find them, a word from the professionals!"
Double Blades: Regular & Deep Cup
Walleye Candy d Blue Colorado Stinger (WH-10504 WSSC)
Line: #20 lb. 36" Monofilament
Blade(s): #4 Colorado Blade
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): # 2 VMC Octopus Needle Point and #8 Treble 1X Stinger Hook(s)
Beads: Opaque Acrylic Faceted Beads
Blade(s): #4 Colorado Blade
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): # 2 VMC Octopus Needle Point and #8 Treble 1X Stinger Hook(s)
Beads: Opaque Acrylic Faceted Beads
- ‘Presentation’ of the worm harness
- " All about the Worm Harness"
- "Colorado Blade specifics" and
- "FIRST... you have to find them, a word from the professionals!"
Double acttractor, candy and silver color
UV Pink and Blue Glass Bead Worm Harness (WH-10805 GBSC)
Line: #20 lb. 48" Monofilament
Blade(s): #4 Colorado Deep Cup
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): #2 VMC Octopus Crawler Hook
Beads: Glass
Blade(s): #4 Colorado Deep Cup
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): #2 VMC Octopus Crawler Hook
Beads: Glass
- ‘Presentation’ of the worm harness
- " All about the Worm Harness"
- "Colorado Blade specifics" and
- "FIRST... you have to find them, a word from the professionals!"
UV, Color and Sound draws attention
UV Green and Blue Glass Bead Worm Harness (WH-10803 GBSC)
Line: #20 lb. 48" Monofilament
Blade(s): #4 Colorado Deep Cup
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): #2 VMC Octopus Crawler Hook
Beads: Glass
Blade(s): #4 Colorado Deep Cup
Clevis: #4 Folded Nickel
Hook(s): #2 VMC Octopus Crawler Hook
Beads: Glass
- ‘Presentation’ of the worm harness
- " All about the Worm Harness"
- "Colorado Blade specifics" and
- "FIRST... you have to find them, a word from the professionals!"
UV, Color and Sound draws attention
- 1
All About the Jig $19.95
Walleye Candy d Red Colorado Stinger $3.25
Quad Special Double Colorado Worm Harness $19.95
All About the Worm Harness $19.95